Thursday, September 3, 2009

Jesus' Ink

Earlier today I Twitted asking if Jesus would have a tattoo when he returned. Revelation 19:16 says, on his robe at his thigh was written this title: King of all kings and Lord of all lords.

Everyone said yes, He would.

It looks like it, although there are several approaches we can take to look at this verse. 1. Jesus has Ink! 2. Jesus has a Sharpie and he wrote it on His leg. 3. It’s not a tattoo or Sharpie but a supernatural expression of a worthy title.

Then there is another view, that the word “thigh” is incorrectly translated and should actually be the word “banner.” The words “thigh” and “banner” are almost exactly alike in Hebrew and a translator could have had a difficult time reading a poorly written manuscript. One could also argue that the Old Testament law stated not to mark your skin (Leviticus 19:28.) The NLT version actually says “On his robe at his thigh.”

All these different views add up to Christians disagreeing on something, but lets try to find some common ground. First lets agree this is not a major point of contention or eternally significant in anyway.

I am going to take the fifth standpoint; I don’t really care. Sure it would be cool if Jesus has a Tattoo but I think we are missing the point. More important than Jesus’ ink is the fact He is coming back to claim His people. He is actually, in this context, coming to establish His 1000-year reign.

We need to look at who Jesus is, not what He may or may not look like, it is easy to get caught up in the non-essentials but we can’t let them distract us from the essential elements of our faith. Revelation 19 should be a call to action, to make as many connection points with people as possible, to share with them who Jesus is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where did all the comments go? I was really enjoying the conversation and learning a lot!