Saturday, February 9, 2008

Ch. 4 - The Missional Church Shift

In this chapter, the authors describe the shift that occurred in their own approaches to church planting as they found that the canned methods that they had been using with success were no longer as effective as they had been. They explain the shortcomings of both the "Church Growth Movement" and the "Church Health Movement". The Church Growth Movement's weakness is an overemphasis on technique, while the Church Health Movement (Purpose-Driven, for example) tends to fall into imitation of successful churches without appropriate regard for the context of the community. Then comes the missional shift.

The missional shift is described as
  • from programs to processes
  • from demographics to discernment
  • from models to missions
  • from attractional to incarnational
  • from uniformity to diversity
  • from professional to passionate
  • from seating to sending
  • from decisions to disciples
  • from additional to exponential
  • from monuments to movements

The missional church (according to the book) is more than just version 3.0 of these movements; it is "a full expression of who the church is and what it is called to be and do" (p. 49).

The following table contrasts the three understandings of the church focused on in this chapter (p. 49):

Church GrowthChurch HealthMissional Church
Members as InvitersMembers as MinistersMembers as Missionaries
Conversion/BaptismDiscipleshipMissional Living
Strategic PlanningDevelopment ProgramsPeople Empowerment
Staff-ledTeam LeadershipPersonal Mission
Reaching ProspectsReaching CommunityTransforming Community
AdditionInternal Group MultiplicationChurch Planting Multiplication
Great CommissionGreat CommandmentMissio Dei

The authors develop a "missional matrix" and apply it to the Church Growth Movement, the Church Health Movement, and Barna's Revolutionaries. The missional matrix is "the intersection of who Jesus is and what he has sent us to do (Christology); the forms and strategies we use to effectively expand the kingdom where we are sent (Missiology); and the expression of a New Testament church that is most appropriate in this context (Ecclesiology)." (p. 53) These three, understood together, provide the Scriptural/theological foundation from which to develop applications that are both Biblically and contextually appropriate, put into practice through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

After explaining the missional matrix, the authors go on to critique some recent church models based on these categories. For example, the Church Growth Movement lacked sufficient Scriptural/theological foundation, focusing instead on methods. Their underdeveloped missiology and deficient understanding of how Christ defines the church led to a man-centered methodology. The Church Health Movement and Barna's Revolutionaries are likewise critiqued along these lines.

Throughout the chapter (and throughout the book so far), there is a repeated call to love people more than preferences. At every step, we must set aside our preferences in order to take the gospel into the context in which we are called. As the book states bluntly, "You can't be missional and pick what you like at the same time." (p. 50)

Discussion questions
  1. Review the chart on page 49 (above). Circle one area on each row that best describes your church.
  2. Based on your evaluation, where does your church fall? How would your church fit on the Missional Matrix?
  3. What are some steps you can take to become more missional?

1 comment:

Chris Tenny said...

Didn't even notice you posted this Paul until yesterday. Thank you, as I can't keep up now... sigh.

Good comment to love people about preferences, but so hard to do, except by the power of God. I hope to post a longer response later, but I must get to solving a 2000 year old problem in James.