Friday, July 10, 2009

Missional Living Series Weeks 3 and 4

Week 3: The Cross

Here's a link to week 3's audio sermon: The Cross

Passages for Study: Romans 5:1‐11 and II Corinthians 5:14‐21

Review and Reflection for Week 3:

The cross of Christ reminds us of the love of the Father and that having been reconciled to Him by the work of the Son we are no longer enemies but co‐heirs with Christ in His kingdom. The shed blood of Christ on the cross has redeemed and purchased us from death. Therefore, we are no longer our own, but we are His. We are not to live for ourselves but to the One who died and was raised for our sake. What have you been purchased from? To whom are you living? We have been reconciled to God and called to participate in His mission of reconciling the world to Himself. We have been given the message of reconciliation that Christ died so that we might live. How has this message affected your entire life? Who are you sharing this message with? What is keeping you from sharing the message?

Resources to keep Digging Deeper
• To Listen To:
o “God Demonstrates His Love Toward Us

o Timothy Keller on the Gospel

• To Read:
o “The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative” – Christopher J.H. Wright
o “God is the Gospel” – John Piper

Week 4: The Corporate Mission of the Church

Here's a link to week 4's audio sermon: The Corporate Mission of the Church

Passages for Study: I Corinthians 3:1‐21; Ephesians 3:8‐12; and Matthew 28:18‐20

Review and Reflection for Week 4:

Christ is the hope of the world, and the Church is the instrument He has chosen to manifest this hope. Together as the local church body, we desire to build upon the foundation of Christ with materials that will stand by engaging, equipping and sending our members and believers all over the world to be ministers of reconciliation. This looks like us starting new churches, supporting struggling churches, and partnering for the glory of the Lord. Your elders and pastoral staff desire to see the universal Church function as the Lord intended her to on His mission. This is not merely joining “missions” opportunities, but understanding that Missions, Groups, Connections, Pastoral Care, Recovery, Next Generation, etc. are all working toward this goal and by using your gifts to serve this local church body and, through our Missions Department, by serving your city and world you are joining the corporate mission of the local church.
The question is how are you on “mission,” God’s mission?

Resources to keep Digging Deeper
• To Listen To:
o The Resurgence Podcast

• To Read:
o “The Radical Reformission: Reaching Out without Selling Out” – Mark Driscoll
o “The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative” – Christopher J.H. Wright